Pet Care

6 Myths About Bathing Your Dog

Bathing your dog is something every dog owner should do. So when bathing dogs, many people have some misunderstandings. The following are the more common ones:

1. When the weather is hot, wash with cold water:

When bathing your dog, pay attention to the water temperature. Some people think that it is better to bathe dogs directly with cold water when the weather is hot. However, this is not recommended. If you bathe your dog with cold water directly, your dog may become frightened and irritable and catch a cold very quickly. You still need to adjust the water temperature. Generally, 38 to 42 degrees is more comfortable.

2. Clean as you please:

When bathing a dog, our first purpose is to help it clean away the dirt on its body. Since you have to take a bath, you must wash it carefully. If you bathe your dog and rinse it casually, the cleaning effect will not be achieved, and a lot of dirt will remain on the body.

3. Use human body shower gel:

Human skin and dog skin are different. Using a human body wash on dogs may cause skin irritation. To prevent the possibility of your dog suffering from skin diseases, it is recommended to use a dog-specific body wash.

4. Not washing for a long time:

Dogs need regular baths to stay healthy. If the dog is not bathed for a long time, there will be a lot of dirt in the hair and other places, and there may also be bugs, which can cause skin diseases.

It is generally recommended to bathe your dog once every 1 to 2 weeks, and the time can be extended appropriately in winter.

If your dog has a cut, whether it’s a scrape or surgery, you should not bathe him. After all, wounds are prone to suppuration and bacterial infection after contact with water, which affects wound healing. The owner can use a towel to wipe the hair near the wound to help clean it. In addition, hair should be dried immediately after getting wet.

5. Not drying in time after bathing:

Bathing your dog is a physically demanding task in itself. Many pet owners neglect to blow-dry their dogs to relieve fatigue. If the dog does this for a long time, it will cause colds, skin diseases, dermatitis, etc. It is best to dry the dog in time.

If your dog fears hair dryers, we can choose low-density ones. In addition, the owner should try to soothe the dog’s emotions, such as blowing its hair and rewarding it with delicious snacks to divert its attention.

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