Pet Care

7 Reasons Why a Dog Nudges You With His Head

Many pet owners have experienced being head-butted by their dogs, so why do dogs frequently exhibit this behaviour?

1. Seeking attention and caressing

Dogs naturally like to be petted by their owners because it makes them feel comfortable and relaxed. When they think their heads are itchy or need attention, they will nudge you with their heads, hoping to attract your attention and provide you with a chance to pet them.

2. Direct expression of emotion

Dogs’ emotional expressions are straightforward. If angry, they may head-butt you to express dissatisfaction, hoping you will notice and comfort them.

3. Get more love

Dogs sometimes behave like children and nudge you with their heads as a sign that they want to be closer to you and get more love from you. Although the body has grown, the dog’s heart will remain a child.

4. Remind you to get up or go out

Dogs’ biological clocks are very on time. When it’s time for a specific time, such as a morning walk or feeding time, they may nudge you with their head to remind you to get up or go out.

5. Declaration of Sovereignty and marking

Dogs will assert their sovereignty by leaving their scent on objects. After being with you for a long time, they may rub their heads against you and leave their scent on you to mark you as their “private property” and prevent other dogs from approaching.

6. Attract attention and play

When you are busy, your dog may nudge you with his head, hoping to attract your attention and hope that you can play with him. This is a sign of their dependence and closeness to you.

7. Performance of begging for food

When you eat in front of your dog, he may come up to you out of greed and nudge you with his head, hoping you can share some of the food with him. But please note that dogs are not suitable for eating human food. It is healthier for them to choose low-salt and low-oil dog food.


Dogs have many other body language, such as showing their belly to express trust, using their paws to pull at you because they may need your help, and yawning, which not only expresses sleepiness but also plays a role in easing conflicts.

Does your dog often nudge you with his head? Now, do you understand the meaning behind its behaviour better?

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