Pet Care

Dog Behavior: What Do These 6 Behaviors Mean?

Dogs often do everyday actions that a careless owner may think that since they are so common, there is nothing to worry about. However, these simple behaviors often reveal essential information about the dog. So, let’s look at the 6 most classic dog actions and their meanings!

1. Out Of Breath

There are only two situations when a dog will pant. One is excessive exercise. When they feel tired, they stop to catch their breath. Another is that when they are stressed, they breathe heavily. For example, if a strange dog is in front of you and you slowly approach it, it will feel your pressure and breathe heavily. If your dog is panting for no reason, all you need to do is observe, find, and deal with the things causing him stress.

2. Licking Lips

Do you know what it means when a dog licks his lips? The meaning of a dog licking its lips varies in different situations. They will let you know when they are hungry by licking their lips. Feeling particularly nervous and stressed, they lick their lips to relieve stress.

3. Wagging Tail

You can tell your dog’s mood by watching how it wags its tail. When it wags its tail widely, it is in a good mood. You can get close to it and pet it. But if you notice it wagging its tail just slightly, you should pay attention. This is a sign of low mood. If you provoke it, it will attack you. In this case, it is best to stay away from the dog.

4. Yawn

We humans yawn because our brains are starved of oxygen. Dogs yawn differently. They yawn because they think what you’re doing is boring. They’re trying to tell you by yawning, let’s do something fun with it. If you have been playing with it for a while now, It will be happy, which will help you get along better with it.

5. Smile

There are two types of dog smiles: one is a kind smile, and the other is a malicious smile. These two types of smiles differ around the dog’s nose. You can play with or pet it for a while when you find no “wrinkles” around your dog’s nose. But when you see “wrinkles” around its nose, keep your distance. If you get too close to it, it will attack you.

6. Barking

A dog’s bark also has two meanings. One is to be wary of barking. When it senses danger or meets the wrong person, it barks incessantly. The second shouted happily. When it plays with you, it yells at you. This means it wants to tell you it is happy and grateful to you.


If you want to get along better with your dog, you must understand his body language to get along better. Pet owners should understand it to get along with it better. Okay, how much do you know about these 6 dog actions? Do you know what these actions mean? I hope pet owners can learn from it.

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