Pet Care

Are Male or Female Cats Better for the First Time?

More and more people like to keep cats. If you are getting a cat for the first time, in addition to considering the breed, you must also consider the gender of the cat. For example, is it better to have a boy or a girl? The difference is enormous.

1. Price factor

If you are a first-time cat owner, you need to consider the price of the cat. Generally speaking, male cats are cheaper than female cats. Because female cats can give birth to kittens, their worth is naturally higher. Therefore, novice cat owners can choose the breed they like if their budget is low and male cats are more suitable.

2. Personality factors

Judging from the personalities of cats, their personalities are also very different. Generally speaking, males are more lively and clingy, making raising cats more fun. Most female cats are quiet and affectionate but tend to be aloof.

3. Difficulty of feeding

There is a big difference between raising a male cat and raising a female cat. Male cats are more accessible to breed because they don’t need to give birth to kittens. If you have a female cat and plan to let it give birth to kittens, it will be more troublesome to take care of it because female cats need special care from their owners during pregnancy. After giving birth, they need to take care of a litter of kittens and help the cats recover, which is a big challenge for novices.

4. Appearance characteristics

Because male cats have thicker bones, they look taller and more handsome than female cats. The hormones secreted by male cats can promote hair growth and make the hair beautiful and shiny. Moreover, male cats are more likely to grow cheek hair than female cats, and the feeling of petting the cat will be better. If you want your cat to have gills, give it enough protein before it is 8 months old. You can also feed your cat some freeze-dried treats that can be used for training and rewards. It can also help cats grind their teeth, supplement nutrients, and promote hair growth.

5. Estrus

When a cat, male or female, goes into heat, it can cause pet owners a lot of headaches. But generally speaking, male cats are noisier than female cats. Male cats will urinate everywhere to vent their anger, jump out of windows, and run away from home, while female cats often bark in the middle of the night.

For your cat’s health, it’s best to have it neutered at the appropriate age. After your cat is neutered, you must provide it with adequate nutrition to help it recover faster. You should choose a nutritionally complete cat food for your cat. provides you with a variety of pet food with guaranteed quality and worry-free health.

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