Pet Care

Avoiding 6 Common Mistakes When Walking Your Dog

Walking their dogs is an integral part of daily life for dog owners. However, many owners may not know that walking your dog the wrong way can harm your dog’s health. Here are some typical dog-walking mistakes that owners can avoid:

1. Walking your dog outdoors during severe cold weather

In the cold winter, when the temperature drops sharply in the morning and evening, walking your dog is not wise. Doing so can easily cause your dog to catch a cold, leading to colds or other health problems. On the contrary, the owner can take the dog out at noon, when the sun is warmer, to ensure that the dog gets enough exercise and avoids the risks caused by the cold.

2. Ignoring the importance of the traction rope

Some owners may think their dogs are docile enough and don’t use a leash when walking them. However, this approach could be more dangerous. Dogs may suddenly rush away because they are frightened or see something of interest, which may not only cause injury to the dog but also pose a threat to passers-by. Therefore, regardless of the dog’s personality, owners should use a leash when walking their dogs to ensure their dogs’ safety.

3. Let the dog run following the moving vehicle

Some owners choose to drive and let their dogs run with the vehicle to give them more exercise. However, this practice is very harmful to the dog’s health. Dogs need to work hard to keep up with the speed of vehicles, and running on the road also poses a significant safety hazard. Therefore, owners should choose safer and more appropriate ways to increase their dogs’ exercise.

4. Walking the dog for too long or too short a time

Pay attention to the length of time you spend walking your dog. Different breeds of dogs have different exercise needs. If the walking time is too long, the dog may be overtired; if it is too short, the dog may not be able to meet its exercise needs. Therefore, owners must reasonably arrange dog walking times according to their dogs’ situation.

5. Let your dog climb stairs frequently

Some owners may let their dogs run upstairs to burn off energy. However, frequent and long-term climbing of stairs is very detrimental to a dog’s joints and lumbar spine, especially for some dog breeds prone to lumbar spine disease. Therefore, owners should avoid letting their dogs climb stairs frequently and choose other healthier exercise methods.

6. Dog walking outdoors in bad weather

Taking your dog for a walk in bad weather, such as strong winds and rain, is also unwise. Doing so will not only make the dog wet and catch a cold but may also cause injuries to the dog due to the slippery road surface. In this case, the owner can engage in interactive games with the dog indoors to consume its energy while giving appropriate snack rewards to increase the fun.

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