Pet Care

Does It Hurt Dogs When You Pull Their Tails?

A dog’s tail is a sensitive and delicate part. Although pulling a dog’s tail may seem like a small action, it can cause pain, discomfort, and significant harm to the dog! Dogs are also more likely to hurt or bite people, making the dog hate the person pulling its tail.

A dog’s tail is located at the end of the spine and is part of the spine. A dog’s tail has 23 bones, each wrapped with muscle. Pulling the tail can cause harm to your dog! Even if the spine is not injured, it is possible to strain the tail muscles and leave other injuries.

1. The dog becomes sensitive and timid

A dog’s back, abdomen, and genitals are relatively sensitive parts. If we pull the dog’s tail easily, the dog will quickly become insecure, which is unsuitable for the dog’s mental health. Once the dog is on alert, its tail is tucked between its legs to protect the weakest part of the body.

2. The dog becomes more defensive and may bite

Since dogs are susceptible to back attacks, they will subconsciously protect their tails out of self-preservation. If you accidentally pull the dog’s tail, the dog will be frightened and think it is an enemy through conditioned reflex. Dogs can easily bite impulsively, which can have serious consequences.

3. Dog tail muscle injury

A dog’s tail muscles are essential for their excretion. If your dog’s tail is pulled frequently, the tail muscles may be injured and unable to contract properly, causing diarrhea, incontinence, and constipation in your dog. The dog’s physical fitness will also gradually deteriorate.

4. Dogs cannot communicate normally with other dogs

Dogs communicate with other dogs by wagging their tails and raising or lowering their tails as part of their body language. The contraction of the muscles at the base of the tail can secrete the dog’s “identity smell” – anal gland fluid. If the muscles at the base of the tail cannot contract properly, the dog cannot communicate appropriately with other dogs and may be bullied by other dogs.

5. Disrupt the dog’s balance

The tail helps the dog maintain balance. If the tail muscles are injured, the tail may be permanently skewed, causing the dog to lose balance and stagger when jumping, walking, turning, climbing stairs, etc., and losing the dog’s normal state.

6. May cause paralysis in dogs

Pulling the dog’s tail hard may damage the spine or even cause paralysis, which is very detrimental to the dog’s health.


A dog’s tail is not a human ponytail, when you pull it, the human head doesn’t just move with it to relieve pain and prevent it from being pulled out. The tail is a complex appendage filled with muscles and tendons that help your puppy escape trouble. Hold your hands away from him and let his tail wag.

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