Pet Care

How To Crate Train a Dog Or Puppy?

Many people think that keeping dogs in cages is cruel and restricts their freedom. Some people believe that keeping dogs in cages is the best protection for dogs. So, before deciding, let’s look at the benefits of owning your dog in a cage.

5 Significant Benefits Of Cage Keeping:

1.  Reduce dogs from tearing down the house:

Most dogs who are bored at home say they vent their anger and kill time by breaking up the house, especially dogs such as Huskies, Border Collies, Samoyeds, and Corgis. They are experts at breaking up the house and keeping dogs in cages. It can reduce the dog’s behavior of tearing down the house and save you a lot of money replacing furniture. In addition to boredom, the dog may also be in a period of teething. It is recommended that the owner prepare teething snacks, chicken jerky, or large pieces. Pork bones can help dogs grind their teeth and exercise them.

2.  Convenient to clean up poop:

If you keep a dog in a cage, even if the dog urinates and defecates, it will be easier to clean up, the home will be cleaner, and the smell will not be that big. Especially puppies, the ability to control their bowels and bowels has yet to be strong, and they will urinate anywhere. Caging will solve this problem well, but you must still teach the dog to urinate and defecate at designated places. The training can be combined with some small snacks. You will get twice the result with half the effort, and the puppy training will be more obedient and more accessible to train.

3.  Cultivate independent abilities:

Dogs are pretty clingy, especially some small dogs. They must follow their owners wherever they go, even when sleeping and going to the toilet. Without the company of their owners, they will suffer from separation anxiety, mental illness, etc. Keeping a dog in a cage can cultivate the dog’s independent ability and reduce the dog’s suffering from separation anxiety. However, spending more time with the dog at home would be best. It does not mean you will let go of the dog after being kept in a cage. Interact more with dogs and play games to reduce their mental illness.

4.  Ensure dog safety:

Nowadays, more office workers raise dogs. They must go to work during the day, leaving their dogs home. This is more dangerous because dogs are more playful, like tearing down houses, and need to know which things are difficult. This can easily lead to danger. If the dog bites into wires, sockets, etc., you may risk getting an electric shock in a minute. Keeping the dog in a cage can ensure the safety of the dog. Then, when you get home from work, you can let the dog out to roam freely.

5.  Prevent dogs from eating randomly:

Dogs are greedy and look like they don’t have enough to eat. Let the dog be at home without rummaging around for food. The most direct way is to dig through the trash can; the dog doesn’t know which foods are harmful. It would be best to eat whatever you turn over, and it is easy to be poisoned by accidental eating. Therefore, when you leave your dog at home, it is better to keep it in a cage to prevent the dog from eating randomly. At the same time, you must prepare healthy and high-quality food. For dog food, it is recommended to choose some feeders that can put food in so the dog can eat when hungry.

So, How Do You Train Your Dog To Accept Being In a Crate?

1.  Use rewards to make the dog familiar with the dog crate:

When your dog arrives home, familiarize him or her with the smell of the crate. If he enters voluntarily, reward him with a small treat and verbal praise. You can place some toys inside the compartment to further engage your dog. First, try closing the cage door for a few seconds and then give the treat. Then, gradually increase the off time, such as 5-6 minutes, and slowly extend it to 10 minutes.

2.  Put a teething stick in the dog cage:

In addition to toys, teething sticks are also a good choice because dogs can chew on them for a long time. When you leave the house for short periods (such as going to the supermarket), make sure you put toys and teething sticks in the crate to attract him. Over time, you can gradually increase the time you spend outside. But before you plan on being away for an extended period, try to spend as much time playing with your dog as possible to ensure he rests comfortably in his crate.

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