Pet Care

How to Discipline a Cat Properly?

As family living conditions improve, many people keep pets at home. The two “main forces” in the pet world are naturally cats and dogs. But owning pets and watching them online are two completely different things. Kittens often make mistakes, just like children. Many people only know how to scold and hit cats, but these methods must be corrected. So, what is the right thing to do when a cat makes a mistake?

1. Criticize immediately and on the spot

When it does something wrong, it should be rebuked immediately and loudly. Of course, the cat didn’t stop because it understood its owner; it stopped simply because it was frightened by the loud noise. But if you do this repeatedly, the cat will gradually feel that doing so will cause growling, and slowly, it will stop doing it.

There is no use taking your cat to a crime scene to teach him a lesson when he does something he shouldn’t. Cats are forgetful animals. They wouldn’t understand why, even if they were condemned for what they did.

2. Patient education

It does not mean you can criticize today but cannot criticize tomorrow; you must always criticize patiently with the same attitude. If a person gives up halfway, all his previous efforts will be in vain. Cats are like this, too.

3. Corporal punishment is not allowed

If a cat is beaten casually, it will develop a sense of fear towards its owner and inferiority. Since cats have much smaller bodies than humans, they are likely to be injured if hit. The method of punishment should be fixed. The general advice is to use the intensity and quantity of criticism to distinguish the severity.

4. Praise them on the spot when they perform well

Although the cat cannot understand the owner’s words, it clearly understands that the sounds of scolding and praise are different. When a cat is praised, its mood will also improve, so the effect of education will gradually increase.


No matter how well-behaved a cat is, its boundless curiosity about the world will drive it to make mistakes. It will walk up to you and smell everything you eat. It will also want to look when you hear strange noises. If it accidentally sees a moving object, it will subconsciously chase it. Mistakes are inevitable, and little owners must learn to be tolerant when dealing with such cute little animals.

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