Pet Care

How To Get Rid of Dog Smell in Your House Fast?

Many dog owners have the smell of dog urine in their homes, which causes them to smell bad as soon as they enter the door. So, how can you quickly remove the dog odor from your home? The following methods are the most effective!

1. Clean your home regularly

There is a strong dog smell at home. Pet owners can solve the problem by cleaning their homes regularly. The odor will spread everywhere because dogs spend most of their time playing at home. Pet owners should bathe their dogs regularly and clean their homes regularly.

2. Spray some air freshener

There are some air fresheners on the market specially developed for dog odors. Buy some and spray them at home to remove the odor from your home. Of course, buying something of good quality and from a big brand is best. Otherwise, it may need to be more effective.

3. White vinegar + water

White vinegar is found in many pet owners’ homes. It can help remove dog odor and sterilize the home. Therefore, pet owners may wish to add some water to white vinegar—the best ratio is 1:2—and then use it to mop the floor to remove the dog smell and restore fresh air.

4. Hang activated carbon at home

After mopping the floor with white vinegar and water, some aftertaste may remain in the home. Pet owners can buy activated carbon and hang it at home to remove the aftertaste. After all, the most prominent feature of activated carbon is that it absorbs taste. In addition, it is best to hang it in a place where dogs are not easy to touch to prevent dogs from eating it by mistake.

5. Baking soda

Baking soda is the same as white vinegar in removing dog odor in your home. Pet owners can sprinkle baking soda and water on the area where their dog urinates, let it sit for 10 minutes, and then mop it clean to remove the odor. This method is excellent but requires the pet owner to spend time on it.

Train your dog to use the toilet and clean it regularly

If you want your home to be free of dog smell, the best way is to let your dog urinate outside, but this is always difficult. Therefore, pet owners can train their dogs to urinate at designated places from an early age and use some snacks as rewards during training, so that This will prevent your dog from pooping and peeing at home, causing odor. Of course, in addition to teaching your dog to urinate and defecate at designated places, you must also clean the dog toilet regularly to ensure it does not stink.

Choose dog food that is highly digestible for your dog

Some pet owners have used these methods, but why do they smell foul? This may be due to the severe body odor of the dog itself. There are many reasons for dog body odor, the most important of which is that dogs have poor intestinal digestion, are prone to farting, and have bad breath problems. You should choose dog food with a high absorption rate from the inside to the outside to reduce indigestion.

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