Pet Care

What Causes Dog Fur Discoloration?

The lustrous coat of a dog is not only a source of pride for pet owners but also an indicator of their overall health. However, discolouration in a dog’s fur can cause concern, prompting pet owners to investigate the underlying factors contributing to this change. From subtle shifts in pigment to more prominent staining, various elements can influence the colouration of a dog’s fur.

This article delves into the common causes of dog fur discoloration, exploring intrinsic and extrinsic factors that alter the natural hue of a canine companion’s coat. Whether it’s a matter of genetics, environmental influences, or specific health conditions, understanding these contributing elements is crucial for pet owners seeking to maintain the optimal well-being and appearance of their beloved furry friends. Join us as we unravel the mysteries behind what causes dog fur discoloration and gain insights into effective preventive measures and potential solutions for maintaining vibrant and healthy canine coats.

1.  Genetic issues

This is innate. Humans cannot change this situation; for example, Bedlington Terriers are black when young and will become large white dogs when they grow up. Teddy dogs often change colour due to genetic issues.

2.  Diet

Hair loss will also occur if your dog is fed human food (high fat, high sugar, high salt), low-quality dog food, too many snacks, etc., for a long time.

3.  Fatty acids

In particular, certain unsaturated fatty acid esters are the main substances that ensure the lustre of dog fur and can also help absorb other nutrients. Conversely, lacking these fatty acids can lead to itchy skin, increased dandruff, and rough, dry coats in dogs. You can also buy some seaweed powder, lecithin, or egg yolk for your dog to eat, but be careful not to overdose; pay attention to dog care products in your daily life, and use dog-specific shower gel not used by humans!

4.  Special circumstances

Ageing in dogs is also a natural fading phenomenon. Dogs that have lost a lot of nutrients after giving birth will develop the same symptoms as sickly dogs. We often say that healthy hair is a reflection of good health.

How to improve:

1.  Vitamins

Vitamins can improve the body’s immunity, protect the integrity of cell membranes, maintain the health of the fur, and help the fur absorb and decompose nutrients. I prefer nutritional creams because they are better in palatability and effectiveness.

2.  Amino acids

Sufficient amino acids can ensure the quality of dog hair growth, make the hair grow faster and more robust, and improve the hair separation phenomenon, especially for long-haired dogs.

3.  Frequently bask in the sun

Take your dog to play outdoors more often, bask in the sun, and do more exercises to promote blood circulation and help your dog grow healthy hair.

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