Pet Care

Why Do Cats Sleep So Much?

Cats are one of the most endearing and mysterious companions in our lives. Their actions in daily life always bring us endless surprises and fun. As cat lovers, we sometimes wonder how much sleep the average cat needs.

1. Cats are lazy nocturnal animals

Many believe cats are nocturnal because they are more active at night. However, cats are not nocturnal animals. Cats’ activity time is affected by the environment and their owners, and they have independent habits. Depending on your cat’s breed, age, and health, their sleep schedule may vary.

2. Cat’s sleep time

Cats like to nap in soft and comfortable places. Cats generally sleep more than we humans do. Adult cats need approximately 15 to 20 hours of sleep daily, while kittens need more, possibly up to 20 hours. This is because your cat’s body structure and metabolism require more rest to recover.

3. Cat’s nap time

Cats rest at different times throughout the day, the most typical of which is nap time. Many cats like to find a warm balcony or windowsill to nap when the sun is shining in the afternoon. This is one of the reasons why they are more active at night. When cats’ naps end, they resume their daily activities with energy.

4. Cat’s nocturnal activities

Although cats’ activity time is not completely limited to night, they appear more active at night. This is because cats’ ancestors hunted animals, and night was the best time for them to hunt. This instinct persists even among family pet cats. So when night falls, you may see cats chasing bugs or toys around the house or garden, demonstrating their unique hunting instincts.

5. Cat’s sleeping habits

Cats’ sleeping habits also vary from person to person. Some cats like to rest on the bed or couch, while others want to hide in dark places, such as closets, drawers, or cardboard boxes. This is because cats like to sleep in a quiet, private, and warm environment. If your cat likes to rest in a specific place, provide them with a comfortable bed or mat that suits their needs.

Knowing when your cat typically rests is crucial to your cat’s health and happiness. Different cats may have different resting needs, so plan their resting schedule based on their age, breed, and personal habits. Giving cats enough rest time helps their physical health and keeps them active and curious, making them our happy little companions.

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