Pet Care

Why Is Your Cat Bullying Your New Cat?

Cat ownership is addictive. Many cat owners want to get another cat after getting one. However, many people have discovered a phenomenon: the old cat at home likes to bully the new cat. Here’s the truth: you’ll understand after reading this article.

In the cat world, cats will isolate or even bully new cats. Therefore, cat owners often see a phenomenon: two cats will directly “fight” when they meet for the first time, which will last for a long time.

Why Do Cats Like To Bully “New Cats”?

1. Defend territory:

Cats are very territorial. If a cat treats its owner’s home as its territory, it will not allow other animals to invade. When the new cat comes home, it will think there is an enemy invasion, so it will bully the new cat to defend its territory.

Old cats subconsciously believe their owner’s home is their territory, so they must be separated before getting another cat.

2. Want to compete for favor:

Not only are cats very territorial, but they can also dominate their owners. Once the cat recognizes its owner, it tags him. This is a cat’s declaration of sovereignty. Older cats may bully newer cats because they are vying for their owner’s favor and want their attention.

To get an extra cat, you have to treat both cats fairly. Otherwise, the old cat will fight fiercely with the new cat to please its owner.

3. Confirm identity:

Some cats are naturally domineering. They are the boss of the family and treat their masters like servants. For this type of cat, if other cats appear in the home, they will bully this cat because they want to scare the new cat to ensure its leadership position.

If your cat is usually aloof towards you but only becomes warm to you at mealtimes and wants to sleep in the middle of the bed, he may think he’s the boss.

4. Jealousy

If you touch other cats secretly, they will be angry for a long time after smelling the smell, let alone bringing other cats home. Because older cats are jealous, they will vent their anger by bullying new cats.

If you bring a new cat home, you must first calm the old cat’s mood and reward it with some small snacks to make it happy.

5. Food is divided

For cats, food is very important. When you bring a new cat home and give it the old cat’s cat food, the old cat will get angry and beat the new cat. To prevent this from happening, keep the two cats’ food separate.

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